This week has been really awful and I haven't had a chance to be creative or blog. Firstly I noticed a really bad smell of gas at work, then the boiler blew up! So we've been sitting chillin (literally) in the office. Then the computer system went down closely followed by the phones. Then yesterday, to top it all, my iPhone stopped working, it seems that if you don't sync or upgrade the software for 2 years then it will do that. After 8 hours of it being hooked up to a life support machine, AKA iTunes, I managed to revive it. Whew.
Anyhoo, my last blog post talked of me having to do a layout for a deadline that had just whooshed past. I did that layout and I did it in 45 minutes, not bad eh?
It tied in nicely with the spots and stripes prompt for the Pretty Paper Party and it's Maddie panning for gold, by the look on her face I'd say she was successful :) Terrible photo of the layout I know, it's the only thing I hate about winter - no good light to photo layouts.
Another trip down the motorway for me to see Paul later, can't wait because he's been in Bruges today and rumour has it that there's some chocolate heading its way back to me.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Jo xx
2 weeks ago
Lovely page! I always love dots and stripes toegther!! Sorry to hear you've had a bad week, I'm sure the chocolate will help!! xx
sounds as if you really need this chocolate!
Alison xx
Dots and stripes are a good combination and make for a great layout here Jo. Lucky you having a choc supply on its way to you. I hope your office warms up next week.
Lovely layout and enjoy the chocolate.xx
Not a fun week:( Chocolate is just what you need xx Love the LO, what a great title!
I'm sorry to hear about your rotten wek - but I'm glad you dropped in that tip there. I am hopeless about getting the updates for my phone - I will go and get one of the kids to sort out the 19 I have waiting for me right now!
Hope that next week is a better one (and that the boiler gets fixed!)
ooo not a good week....lovely page.
Great layout, and in 45 mins too! I hope you got the chocolate - sounds like you needed it! Hope the heating is fixed now too. xx
Gorgeous, I love the gold glittery alphas and all the butterflies!
I have the same problem with photographing Layouts at the moment, it's so annoying. The other day I had lights on all day because it was so grey and gloomy in our house! x
Oh dear, that does sound like a bad week! I hope the week just gone was rather better :)
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