As you may remember a month ago today I published this post. It's details of a Memory Walk that me, my brother and sisters were going to do to raise money for Alzheimer's.
Well.....we did it!
Last week I decorated a card to pin to the back of my t-shirt.
Then on Sunday morning we all met up ready for the big walk, we were also joined by my niece, Elsie.
The weather was overcast but dry and warm enough for us not to need coats, perfect walking weather.
There was a great atmosphere at the start with music playing, games for the children and a memory tree.
We set off at just after 11:00 along with hundreds of other walkers.
The first 5k of the walk was vertical! The views, and the charity, made it all worthwhile.
At the halfway point we had a couple of cheerleaders in the form of my friend Sarah and her hubby Chris so we managed to get a picture.
Then it was time for the descent, this was the part I found the hardest and I would much rather have carried on uphill! At last there was just one mile left to go.
And then we saw the finish line.
We'd done it!
Our mum, family and friends were there to meet us and to snap us crossing the line.
We started together and we finished together, then we headed to the bar!
Cheers dad!
It was a great day spent with a great family doing it all in the memory of a great man.
We walked 10k in 2 hours and between us we raised over £1000 for the charity!
Me and my family would like to thank every single person who donated to this great cause. There's still time to donate if you want to, just click the Just Giving link at the top of the page.
I decided to do this walk months ago and I was delighted that my brothers and sisters wanted to join me. I also decided that I wanted to do the Pier to Pier swim in Bournemouth next year and they've decided to join me for that too! In fact they said it would be nice for us to do a challenge every year for charity which will be fantastic.
Thank you again for all of your support
Jo xx
1 hour ago
congratulations to you all xx
Well done Jo, you all did your Dad proud x
What a fantastic thing to do - and I am sure it will bring your family even closer together as a result. x
Well done to all of you! I'm delighted to hear how much you raised
Add my congrats too - well done on something so important.
Well done Jo. Your Dad would be so proud x
you done so well Jo, congratulations to you all x
That's a great amount for a great cause. Very well done to all of you x
Hi Jo ~ I'm so glad that you and your family had a successful day. What a beautiful path you walked together!
Carrie and I are walking in a breast cancer benefit walk this weekend with a friend. Thanks so much for the lovely comments you left on my blog today - especially the one on my Team Teal post. ♥
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