I had such a lovely weekend and thought I'd share a bit of what I'd done.
Om Saturday I woke up really early and got all of the boring housework, ironing and shopping out of the way, then it was time to scrap. I decided to take part in the weekly challenge over on UKScrappers. The challenge was to scrap an animal, use lots of embellishments, a concentrated area and the colour blue.....that's when the trouble started! I had a blue glimmer mist explode over me and I looked like a Smurf:
Yes they stayed like that for SEVEN hours, I finished scrapping and cut the grass and still they were blue! I was pleased with the finished layout though:
Our friend's puppy, Daisy, wearing one of Maddie's jackets :) All so long ago because Daisy is about 9 now but this really was a photo I'd wanted to scrap for ages.
After a busy, busy day I jumped in the shower (washing my hair finally got rid of the blue on my hands) and headed down to Paul's. He was working until 2 in the morning so I left home at 10 and didn't rush getting down there, I love driving at night anyway.
On Sunday I had a lovely day out with Paul and got some lovely presents (which I forgot to photo) then he took me to lunch. I love, love, love this picture of him:
I can't tell if he looks so happy because he's with me or if it's because his starter had just arrived:
So a really great, fun packed weekend but boy am I tired now.
I hope you had a good weekend too.
Jo xx
2 weeks ago
Lovely page Jo!! had to laugh at your blue hands ... sorry!!!.. glad it came off eventually though!!! sounds like you had a great weekend!x
Oh Jo, how I'd loved to have seen smurf Jo lol. At least the layout was worth it, it's gorgeous :)
So glad you had a good weekend, I know you've been so looking forward to it, and I'm saying he was smiling at you :)
I LOVE the smurf hands and you LO is so worth it! Nicely done! :)
Love your LO, but boo to the blue hands!! At least they cleaned up all right, eventually! Glad you had a good weekend.
Seven hours? Wow! At least none of it came off onto your lovely page
Glad you enjoyed your weekend....great LO and LOVE the blue hands!
Alison xx
Well you did say you looked like a smurf and you weren't joking! Head ans Shoulders is supposed to be good for getting ink stained hands clean. Of course he was smiling because you were there xx
AAAh that is just such a cute layout. I am so glad you got your hands clean, gave me a laugh though! Looks like you had a tasty meal on Sunday.
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