Happy New Year to you! I am so excited about this year, I was born on the 14th and 14 has always been my lucky number so I have high hopes that there will be exciting times for me this year.
I had a look back at this post from January 2013 to see how I'd done with the goals I'd set myself for last year, all in all I didn't do to badly.
This year I want to focus on the following:
1. I still need to work on my time management.
2. I will carry on losing weight.
3. I want to try to make/bake/create at least two things a month from the hundreds of things I pinned on Pinterest.
4. I'm going to stop just hitting the 'like' button on Facebook and Instagram and make more of an effort to actually leave comments and interact with people.
5. Me and Maddie are going to go out and do something together at least once a month.
6. I'm hoping to read more this year.
7. I want to blog more regularly.
8. I intend to enjoy every moment!
I think that's a manageable amount of things to see me through the year.
I hope this year is fantastic for everyone.
Jo xx
3 weeks ago
That looks like a pretty good list to me. Happy New Year to you Jo x
Looks like an excellent list! Happy New Year to you! Looking forward to reading your blog in 2014.
Looking forward to seeing all what you do this year :) x
Happy New Year to you and Maddie! Hope it's a great one, full of creativity and fun for the pair of you
I, too am cooking recipes from Pinterest---all lo-cal ones. I don't expect that each will be a big hit, but I'm going to find the ones that are! If I can find some good light recipes, it will be easier for me to eat healthy! My best to you for 2014.
Well certainly 2014 will be lucky for you. I could adopt many of those same goals, and I especially applaud you on #4. Facebook is okay, but longer bloggier conversations are better!
Happy New Year Jo and good luck with that list of yours x
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