Happy New Year, I hope it's a good one for everyone.
This time last year my aim was to get a job, I ticked that off the list 4 weeks into the New Year.....a target reached quickly. Eight months after starting my job I was voted Employee of the Quarter by my colleagues so a good year on the work front
This year I've decided on the things I want to do:
1. Blog more - I know I've been slacking recently and that is going to change.
2. Scrap more - I spend more time thinking about scrapping than actually scrapping so that will change too.
3. Take more pictures - I really need to get out with my camera more.
4. Finish at least one quilt - I managed it last year and I'm hoping to manage it again this year.
5. Walk the dog more - I work longer hours so this has slipped a bit but I will change it this year.
6. Read more - I have a mountain of books to get through so less TV and more reading this year.
7. Crochet - I have been wanted and trying to do this for years, hopefully I will conquer it this year.
The most important thing I'm going to do this year is lose weight. I have a year and 13 days until I'm the big 40 and I'm determined not to be fat at forty! I'm going to have a Wednesday Weigh In every week and I'm hoping that by blogging my progress I'll stay on track. More dog walking and more time on the Wii fit is bound to help. First weight loss check on 5th January.
The things I would like to do this year are:
1. Stop smoking - will be tough but I would have so much more money to spend on stash.
2. Get fitter - no more couch potato.
3. Get out more with Maddie - this will be tough because she hates going out.
I did Journal Your Christmas again this year and by doing 19 layouts in the last 2 days I have managed to complete it on New Year's Day for the second year running, very proud of myself.
I hope everyone is happy, health and content in 2011 - I hate odd numbers though so entering the year with trepidation!
Jo xx
3 weeks ago
That's an impressive list of resolutions Jo! I wish you all the very best of luck with those resolutions. They all sound very positive and achievable! :D
Hello! It was great to see you too at Sandra's. I hope your Christmas worked out OK. Your New Year's Resolutions certainly paint you as one determined lady! Good luck with them x x x
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