I showed you that January wasn't all about parties, pressies and dining out, I actually did some scrapping too!
In January I managed to get 17 layouts completed, yes I'm very pleased with myself :) Here are just a few of the layouts that I did:
I thought these papers were perfect for the pictures I took at the Vintage Fair on Southbank last year.
And the cotton reel top really went well with the vintage feel.
Next up is a layout I did using a photo I took at Christmas, yes very quick off the mark for me! It's my nephew Ryan and his beautiful daughter Charlotte:
I really like the effect of the positive and negative of the butterfly punch.
And finally another Christmas one:
Even though we were all dancing, singing and laughing around him my nephew Jack was far too tired to stay awake after a long Christmas Day :)
I am loving the camera stamp at the moment but taking care not to over use it.
This evening has not been a good one, Tesco have run out of dog food, Maddie needs new shoes and I can't find any she likes anywhere and then my handbag broke :( I came home to find this on the doormat though:
Some gorgeous stash from Sarah at SJ Crafts for me to play with! I'm off to Paul's for the weekend because it's his birthday on Friday so will make some beautiful things to share with you.
Thanks for stopping by
Jo xx
3 weeks ago
17 layouts??!! That's incredible! LOVE the papers on that first one especially.
Such gorgeous, gorgeous layouts Jo. And look at you missy ... 17 layouts!!! Ooohhh get you lol.
Sounds like you're going to have a great weekend, away with Paul and more celebrating, plus yummy stash:)
I can't believe you have done 17 LO - that is fantastic. The rate I'm going at I'll be lucky to get that done in a year!
Well done you
blimey 17 layouts you really were on a roll! enjoy your weekend xx
17 in a month! Wow - sometimes I struggle to get 1 done. Tell us your secret.
!7? Wow! I didn't even manage half that! More than a little envious at your total and now I'm back to wishing I'd been at that vintage fair too :) Great stuff!
Well done you on getting 17 LOs completed! Hope you have a great weekend
Alison xx
How impressive are you? You'll need new albums soon. Lovely new stash to play with too. Enjoy your weekend away.
These are all lovely, can't wait to see the others!! Especially like the "Too pooped to party" page! Glad your DT goodies arrived! xx
Wow! That's an impressive total for the month Jo :o)
I love Too Pooped To Party! Have a great weekend xx
17! I am so impressed! And the ones you have shown here are so lovely too.
Have a good weekend with Paul.
17 wow that is loads of pages well done and fab they are too xx
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