Hello and welCome to my little Corner of blog land, I’d love for you to have a little look around my world here at BuCkingham’s Palace.
Now the theme for this is:
Something that I’m good and something that I'm bad at!
In my working life I’ve had to organise thousands of people on tours and get them all to stiCk to the itinenary: not a problem.
In my home life there is a lot of organisation for me to do beCause I have my teenage daughter here but my
partner lives 106 miles away: not a problem!
In my Crafting life I have a plaCe for everything and everything in its plaCe. Although to an outsider it may look like organised Chaos I can lay my hands on exaCtly what I need when I need it: not a problem. So why don’t I ever get as much done as I want? Here’s the reason why:

I spend far too muCh time proCrastinating and thinking about the things I want to do rather than getting them done. Then everything is done just before the deadline hits, whiCh, if I'm honest, I quite enjoy beCause I love working under pressure!

So no matter how organised you are, you can still end up:
Today, for once, I am totally organised. This blog post is done on time and I'm more or less up to date with everything. It's my daughter Maddie's 18th birthday tomorrow and all her presents are bought and wrapped! Tonight we will be having a girlie night before celebrating tomorrow!
I hope you’ve managed to C the letter hidden in this post :).
Kirsty http://www. journalofcuriousthings.co.uk/
Jo S. http://curlyscrapbooker. blogspot.co.uk/
Daphne http://dapfniedesign. wordpress.com/
Meghann http:// meghannslittlecorner.blogspot. co.uk/
Jo B. http://buckinghamspalace. blogspot.co.uk/
Abi http:// creatingpaperdreams.blogspot. co.uk/
Lea http://finallyscrappin. blogspot.co.uk/
Lisa-Jane http:// comeinsidemycrazyhead. blogspot.co.uk
Thank you for coming to visit and have a great weekend joining in all of the fun at Jennifer's.
You should have joined me from Meghann’s blog but, if you’re not following the blog hop in order, there are links to all of the blogs taking part at the bottom of this post.
Each lovely blog along this hop has a letter for you to Collect. Once you’ve got them all, and have reaChed the end of the hop, you can email Jennifer the phrase you’ve Collected. All entries must be reCeived by Monday 2nd July at 11:59 BST, all the Correct answers will be put into a draw to win a gorgeous prize paCkage of October Afternoon 9 to 5 and Studio Calico Take Note items worth over £25!!!
Now the theme for this is:
Something that I’m good and something that I'm bad at!
In my working life I’ve had to organise thousands of people on tours and get them all to stiCk to the itinenary: not a problem.
In my home life there is a lot of organisation for me to do beCause I have my teenage daughter here but my
partner lives 106 miles away: not a problem!
In my Crafting life I have a plaCe for everything and everything in its plaCe. Although to an outsider it may look like organised Chaos I can lay my hands on exaCtly what I need when I need it: not a problem. So why don’t I ever get as much done as I want? Here’s the reason why:
I spend far too muCh time proCrastinating and thinking about the things I want to do rather than getting them done. Then everything is done just before the deadline hits, whiCh, if I'm honest, I quite enjoy beCause I love working under pressure!
So no matter how organised you are, you can still end up:
Today, for once, I am totally organised. This blog post is done on time and I'm more or less up to date with everything. It's my daughter Maddie's 18th birthday tomorrow and all her presents are bought and wrapped! Tonight we will be having a girlie night before celebrating tomorrow!
I hope you’ve managed to C the letter hidden in this post :).
Kirsty http://www.
Thank you for coming to visit and have a great weekend joining in all of the fun at Jennifer's.
Jo xx