It was that time again for Storytelling Sunday over at Sian's this week. On the first Sunday of the month Sian encourages us all to tell a story, it's great fun and if you haven't joined in already then I suggest you hot foot it over there!
Now I do have a good reason to be so late this month and it's all part of my story.
Eighteen years ago on Saturday this little person came into my life:
At 07:41 on 30th June 1994 Maddie was born. I remember it all so well, I had a few twinges the day before but I refused to have her then because it was a Wednesday and Wednesday's child is full of woe! So I waited until the following day, although my family will say I waited until the following day because they were having a family BBQ on the Wednesday night!
I had a back to back labour, I've also heard it called stargazing which I think sounds nicer, no pain relief and I even managed to fall asleep for a while. Not bad going considering I was only in labour for 40 minutes! Both of my sisters have since beaten that quick time with one of them doing it in about 18 minutes!
I've spent a lot of time reminiscing about her birthday, her life, the great team that we are since her dad left when she was four, the rows we've had, the laughs we've had and the adventures that are yet to come.
The night before her birthday we had a bit of a girlie night, it was a lot of fun:
So Saturday was a real celebration and I managed to arrange a small surprise party for Maddie ( I thought she would kill me but she didn't). OK I know she doesn't look happy in this picture but she was!
I had managed to drive round and invite her friends because there was no way I was getting her phone out of her hand to get their numbers!
She has always wanted her own private island so my sister made her this cake:
It was a really great day and these cuties loved the BBQ:
A few days before Maddie's birthday I watched Mamma Mia and when the song Slipping Through my Fingers came on I sobbed and sobbed. How can these 18 years have passed so quickly!
Hope you had a great day Mads, love you lots.
Thank you for stopping by
Jo xx
1 day ago
Such a lovely story, such a quick labour (lucky girl) and a wonderful celebration. She may be a grown up now but you'll always be her mum. xxx
beautiful story and hope she had a great birthday :)
Lovely story, lovely photos, very lovely girl xxx
Lovely pics Jo...glad she enjoyed her Birthday!
Alison xx
I love that song too, looks like it was a great day!
Sounds like you all had a lovely time and what a huge milestone for you both! Great cake too.
A very belated Happy Birthday to your girl and here's to many more adventures to come :o)
Fi xx
A very very belated Happy Birthday to her from me! What a lovely post to put a smile on the face as I do my holiday unpacking..I'm with Fiona in wishing you both many more adventures to come.
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