I think the two month break must have done me some good because my scrapping mojo has come back with a vengeance!
Last week I actually took part in the weekly challenge over at UKScrappers! The challenge was to have a Beatles song title on the layout, to use black and white, to have four or more lines of journalling and to include some circles.
I decided to hunt out a black and white photo because I'm not a big fan of black and white on a layout, I like lots of colour. I found this old black and white picture of me aged five!
It was taken at my infant school and although 35 years have passed since it was taken I remember that the outfit I was wearing was bottle green, I remember my first teacher's name, remember how she reminded me of the wicked witch of the west from The Wizard or Oz and remember how I didn't like her much. The photo reminded me of how I used to try and escape from school every lunch break and how I just wanted to be at home. So many memories from one old black and white photo that I didn't even know I had until I went hunting.
I scrapped the original photo and you can see how the middle of the picture has faded compared to the edges that were protected by the frame it was in. I almost cut the edges off but I'm so glad I left them now.
I've got back into scrapping so much now that I've even started thinking about my Journal Your Christmas album!
I hope your week is going well
Thanks for stopping by
Jo xx
3 weeks ago
Its great Jo and you haven't changed a bit! Shimelle is doing another layout based class starting 22nd October if you are interested ;-)
Thanks Lisa-Jane, I've already signed up to Shimelle's new class :)
You really haven't changed at all and I think the black and white really emphasizes your lovely features - it's a beautiful picture!
Great pic and layout Jo..you didn't find my mojo while you were at it did you?
Alison xx
a lovely photo Jo...i thought it was your daughter at first glance! Glad to see your mojo has returned x
What a lovely photograph to have found. You're brave to scrap the original, I don't think I've ever done that!
great photo, you look very much the same now! Love the effect of the yellow/white edges too.
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