Tuesday 23 April 2013

Makes Me Sad/Makes Me Happy

I was really pleased with the positive messages I had last week when I first mentioned this project. 
It really does brighten your day, after seeing something that makes you sad, to go searching for something that makes you happy.
This week I got up in the morning and realised that I'd forgotten to buy milk so no brew before work, that is sad :(

But on the way to work I saw this smiley face and that made me happy :)

Apart from commissioned work and Banksy pieces I don't really like graffiti, especially when it's just an ugly tag, but this face put a smile on my face just when I needed it!
Any one is welcome to join in with Makes Me Sad/Makes Me Happy on a Thursday and there are only two rules:
1. We all know that there are lots of things in the world that make us sad and downright mad but this really is a lighthearted project so no nasty images.
2. Have fun looking for even the smallest thing that makes you happy.
Let me know if you do join in so that I can come visit to find out the little things that make you happy and sad.
Take care
Jo xx


Sian said...

I think that smiley face would have made me smile too :)

Barbara Eads said...

That cute smiley face is sort of an oxymoron and could have been both parts of your "makes me happy, makes me sad." A smiley face with tears is a first for me!

Sandra said...

Makes me think of the smile on Amazon boxes ... and they always make me smile :)

I think this is such a great thing Jo :)

Lou said...

i would have been sad not to have had that morning cuppa too x

Lisa-Jane said...

This is such a great idea but I would be seriously twitching if I couldn't have a cuppa first thing....

Ginger said...

coffee is a must for me in the morning and I can see why that would make you a little more than unhappy :) Nice idea for a project Jo!