Wednesday 6 January 2016

Crochet Mood Blanket 2015

Last year I start a year long project, you can read about it here.  It was to crochet a square a day for a blanket and each colour used would be determined by my mood.

I got stuck in straight away on 1st January with my favourite colour:
And gradually it grew:
And grew:
Sometimes Maddie or Paul would pick the colours I used but most of the time I picked them myself.

The blanket now has 20 rows and 18 columns, 360 squares in total.  The last 5 days were made up of borders and I added the last stitch on 31st December using gold yarn:
I kept to a small, plain border:
With a little bit of detail for the corners:
And each day I made a note of the colour I used and why I used it in my little notebook:
And here it is in it's full glory:
And here I am feeling very proud of what I achieved:
Would I do it again?.......Nope!  I'm pleased that it got me doing something crafty every day but it did add a tiny bit of pressure.

Now I'm wondering just what will replace it in 2016.

Thanks for stopping by
Jo xx


yvette said...

It looks wonderful Jo, and such an achievement!

Sian said...

I think it's fabulous! I thoroughly enjoyed watching its progress all year: it looks very bit as good as I thought it would...and more!

Barbara Eads said...

I love the border you used to frame the whole thing. It looks so perfect on the bed!

Jemm said...

It looks absolutely wonderful Jo. Quite an achievement :) Jayne x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

And so you should. It looks absolutely fantastic. What a brilliant year long project it was and so much fun to follow your progress.

Sheena said...

Wow Jo it looks wonderful & so do you Hun xxx
Hope you meet up again soon .

Sandra said...

I honestly can't tell you how in awe of you I am with this. It's amazing Jo

Becky said...

Oh wow! That looks fantastic. Well done! You should feel really proud!

Anonymous said...

Oh My Word that is beautiful - what a lot of work and I can understand how you felt pressured to make a square every day - well worth it though.