Sunday 3 January 2016

Using It Up!

I don't think I have too many hobbies, I think I have too much stuff for all of my hobbies though! So this year I'm putting myself on a year long stash ban!!!

I cancelled my monthly kit and stocked up on glue and page protectors so there will be no excuse to go shopping and let some stash slip in to my basket.

I'm getting fed up with stash everywhere I look, this is part of my lounge and it's getting overrun!
I have managed to squirel stuff away everywhere:
And fill every nook and cranny:
My bedroom looks no better, with wool everywhere:
And I'm not even sure what I've got stuffed in the bottom of my wardrobe!
My craft cupboard is bursting at the seems:
And every shelf has stash on it:
That's all before we move on to the fabric!
I'm not bragging or showing off at the amount of stuff I have, it is actually starting to make me feel ill.  I haven't been starting new projects because I don't know where to start or what to use, I don't really know what I've got.  I'm determined to use it up though because it would be a big waste of money not to use it.  So no more buying new stash until I've got rid of the old stuff!

With that in mind I have made a start to help me get more organised:

Another area that I really have to tackle is my groaning book shelf:
So, by the end of the year, I want to notice a lot more space around here and a lot more projects completed!

Thanks for stopping by
Jo xx


Sian said...

Best of luck! It was this time of year that I discovered scrapbooking and I always smile when I think of how I went out to the Craft Shop when it reopened after Christmas to choose my first ever paper and glue. Things have changed a bit since.

Lizzy Hill said...

I'm sorry.... but I'm almost rolling on the floor laughing...cos i can SOOOOOO Relate. Except I haven't as many crafts on the go at once. GOOD ON YOU! That is a wonderful idea. I've been trying to do it myself but couldn't go 'cold turkey' - so I've allowed myself ONE bust out a month on ONLY stuff that will fit into an envelope...flair. A stamp set. Anyways. I'm here cheering you on. GO YOU!!! I'm right there [almost] besides you!!!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I'm cheering you on too Jo and joining you in a quest to use up what I have. I was never too bad at collecting paper craft supplies, but with fabric I'm terrible and it takes up much more space!

Julia Dunnit said...

Good luck, you'll enjoy it and it will double your sense of achievement! I expect you're only using the surface 10% of your stash anyway, so there will be some great discoveries to come!!

Dawn said...

Good luck, I haven't really bought much in the last year as I haven't been scrapping but I'm determined to get back to it this year and use up the mountains of stash I've already got.

Barbara Eads said...

How I wish I was there to help with the re-organization!! I'm really good at it and very fast! January is always a good month to tackle these kinds of projects. Here's my advice---give yourself one week for each room. Arm yourself with 3 boxes or bags marked: "give away"---"trash"---"things that belong elsewhere." Enter the room and immediately turn to the right. Start with that wall and begin. Break it down like this: one day for each wall, one day for the middle, one day for the closet, and one day to haul off. The wall with the window or furniture might be really quick. By breaking it down to smaller chunks, you will be motivated to continue on! Sometimes, the hold up to starting is not knowing where to begin! Just start!! Good luck and do keep us updated on your progress!

Unknown said...

Good lord no that's soooooo much stuff hahahahahah . If anyone has the determination to do it it's you good luck just look at it as another project:)
If you need to make stuff and get rid you can alway donate it to my wiggly' swish page xxxx see you Thursday xxxx

Lou said...

i was only saying today how much i need to re-organise clear out stuff!! All kinds of stuff. I made a start by giving my niece piles and piles of 12x12 papers for her steam punk projects - she thought it was Christmas lol.

I'm wishing you on and hoping you it might give me the kick up the backside i need!

Sandra said...

I can honestly relate to this, so I'm cheering you on. Does this mean I can't pass any of one onto you?

Anonymous said...

Oh Jo - I know exactly how you feel. I needed to have a good sort out as I had stash in Gracia's bedroom and she was coming home and David wanted to take the ceiling down in the old lounge which involves removing the floor in the spare bedroom - which had my stuff in too not to mention the dining room. Bizarrely my paper stash fits into a 4 inch high RUB box and my card into a draw so all the rest is stuff I never use - in the bedroom I had stuff I had horded for years. So I took the bull by the horns and had a good clear out but stood for a long time looking at it not knowing where to start.

Virginia said...

Oh Jo - I've done a stash ban before and although it was hard it was great using things up if I'm honest! I also limited myself in scrapbook space which was great until new hobbies came along, so I feel your pain on this one, I need to look seriously at how to house some of these this year!

As for the book front, I got over the phobia of getting rid of books years ago, now if they don't/won't get re-read off to the charity shop they go - I release them to the universe so that someone else can read them!

Melissa said...

I'm with you on this one, too. I'm in the process of moving my craft room and it really made me realize just how much STUFF I have - FUN stuff, of course, but definitely time to finish some projects!